by Kelly Alexander | May 5, 2023 | Blog, Life Style, News Article
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are fast approaching. If you have a loved one in a facility you may be wondering about gift ideas. You know space is limited. Your mom or dad is no longer actively collecting. Senior living communities are designed to provide...
by Kelly Alexander | Apr 11, 2023 | Alzheimers and Dementia, Blog
As our parents age, it is natural that their abilities will change and decline over time. So many people are unsure how to distinguish what is to be expected from something more ominous. Certainly a memory loss may be an indication of a disease such as Alzheimer’s,...
by Kelly Alexander | Dec 20, 2022 | Blog, Elder Resources, Life Style
When we talk about successful or healthy aging, what exactly do we mean? Who defines that? Healthy aging has been defined in numerous ways. Definitions usually include things like disease prevention, high physical and cognitive functioning, and the ability to engage...
by Jill Burzynski | Feb 27, 2020 | Blog, Life Style, News Article
The disease known as Coronavirus or COVID-19 continues to spread. The Centers for Disease Control believes that it will reach the United States. The CDC reports that the disease can be especially severe for older patients and babies. As usual the very old and very...
by Jill Burzynski | Jan 24, 2020 | Blog, Veterans' Benefits
Many of our clients are war-time Veterans who may look to the VA for some help with payment of their long-term care costs. The Aid and Attendance program, a VA pension, is one way to help, if the Veteran, Veteran’s spouse or surviving spouse can meet the VA...