(239) 434-8557 info@burzynskilaw.com

FGCU Elder Care Planning

Often planning for elder care is stricken upon us only in times of crisis. However, tackling the challenging decision of what to do as you or your loved one ages can ensure that it is done with dignity and respect. Join Dan Burzynski, at FGCU, as he goes over how to plan for the future, […]

Life Care Planning Luncheon

Terracina Grans 6825 Davis Blvd, Naples, FL, United States

Burzynski Elder Law will be speaking at Terracina Grand for an informational luncheon.

CEU: Case Studies Involving Veteran’s Benefits (Professionals seeking CEU credits only)

Beach House 1000 Airport Pulling Road South, Naples, FL, United States

Beach House and Burzynski Elder Law are proud to present "Case Studies Involving Veteran’s Benefits." As a firm that constantly reaches out to Veterans and their loved ones in our community, we often come across individuals that are unaware of VA Benefits and potentially eligible for these benefits. As a result, we have decided to […]


Renaissance Academy: Elder Care

Renaissance Academy 1010 5th Ave S, Naples, FL, United States

Florida Gulf Coast University's Renaissance Academy presents a course in Elder Care. The presenters are Daniel Burzynski, VA Accredited Attorney from Burzynski Elder Law and Steve Stolz, financial advisor from Edward Jones. The course costs $20 for Renaissance Academy members or $25 for the individual course. Spouses attend for free. Register by calling the Renaissance […]

$20 – $25

Workshop on Aging

Burzynski Elder Law 1124 Goodlette Road, Naples, FL, United States

Worry about growing old? Chronic health conditions cause unique legal, financial and personal care advocacy problems. Please join us for a complimentary workshop on aging the first Wednesday of every month. Light refreshments will be served. Limited seating available. RSVP Required, call the office at (239) 434-8557


Past Events