For several years, the VA has been in the process of rule-making that will substantially change how aid and attendance applications are processed. Among the most important changes is the implementation of a look-back period which has never before existed for this benefit. We have been waiting to hear when the implementation of the rule will become effective.
Apparently in response to an inquiry made on 10/6/2016,writes:
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!RE: VA rulemaking AO73, Net Worth, Asset Transfers, and Income Exclusions
Ms. McIntyre,
The rulemaking is not yet final.
Due to the complexity of the rule and the large number of comments received, we do not anticipate publication of the final rule before April 2017.
The draft final rule contains several changes as a result of some of the comments we received. However, because it is still a draft and VA has not finally approved the changes, I can’t share with you what those changes are.
The result of this delay is that Veterans and their families have additional time to implement plans that will not be subject to the look-back period. Our office assists in this regard as a part of our mission to help families find, access and pay for health care needs.