by Jill Burzynski | Nov 18, 2016 | Blog, Financing Long Term Care, Veterans' Benefits
For several years, the VA has been in the process of rule-making that will substantially change how aid and attendance applications are processed. Among the most important changes is the implementation of a look-back period which has never before existed for this...
by Jill Burzynski | Jul 28, 2015 | Blog, Estate Planning, Financing Long Term Care, Medicaid, Veterans' Benefits
We have had the unfortunate situation with some married clients over the past year of finding that the revocable living trusts prepared in the past severely limited the possibility of asset protection planning when facing long term care. Many people have been sold...
by Jill Burzynski | Jul 10, 2015 | Financing Long Term Care, Veterans' Benefits
By Daniel A. Burzynski Many Veterans are not aware of the benefits they have access to by virtue of their service. Specifically, Veterans who served during war-time may be entitled to a monthly pension amount to help pay for their unreimbursed medical expenses. The...
by Jill Burzynski | Jul 10, 2015 | Financing Long Term Care, Medicaid, Veterans' Benefits
I recently received this question from a reader of my articles: My wife is in a nursing home and I have applied for Medicaid. Luckily I was able to find a knowledgeable person to help me so I did not have to pay for assistance in applying. We own our home and I...
by Jill Burzynski | Jul 10, 2015 | Financing Long Term Care, Veterans' Benefits
By Daniel A. Burzynski Many Veterans do not realize that they may be eligible for a benefit to help cover the costs of medical care. If you are a Veteran who served in wartime you may qualify for additional monthly pension. This benefit, called “Aid and...
by Jill Burzynski | Jul 10, 2015 | Alzheimers and Dementia, Caregiver Issues, Estate Planning, Medicaid, Veterans' Benefits
People often think about speaking with an Elder Law attorney when an older person faces the high cost of nursing home care. Many times people wait even longer…after they have paid most of their nest-egg on care and realize that in a few short months they will...